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Let’s discover our State together.

So, its named as Chhattisgarh, meaning 36 states. Situated in the centre of India it is a land locked state with immense rich and culture heritage preserved since centuries.

Chhattisgarh’s history dates back centuries, with evidence of settlements from the 4th century CE. The region was once known as Dakshin Kosala and later came under the rule of various dynasties. Chhattisgarh was part of Madhya Pradesh until it was granted statehood in 2000. The state is home to a vibrant culture influenced by its diverse tribal communities and historical past.


Tribal Communities: Chhattisgarh has the highest concentration of Scheduled Tribes in India, with over 30% of the population belonging to tribal communities like Gond, Bhattra, and Muria. These communities have their unique customs, traditions, and art forms, which contribute significantly to the state’s cultural richness.


Art and Crafts: Chhattisgarh is known for its exquisite handicrafts, reflecting the artistic skills of its tribal communities. Bell metal castings, stone statue sculpting, embroidery and crocia ,teak word, tribal paintings and art, terracotta figurines, dokra metalwork, and Bastar wood carving are some of the popular crafts from the state.

Wildlife and Nature: Chhattisgarh boasts rich biodiversity with lush green forests, cascading waterfalls, and serene natural landscapes.

bastar road

Festivals: Chhattisgarh comes alive with vibrant festivities throughout the year such as Hareli, Bastar Dusshera, Cher Chera , Rajim Kumbh , The Madai , Pola etc are few popular tribal festivals.


The healing power of Nature.

Chhattisgarh is gifted with the most pristine and abundant set of natural resources in the country. The recorded forest area in the state is 59,772 km sq, which is 44.21 percent of its geographical area.

A forest is much more than a collection of trees. Our forests are also nature’s air filters. A summer walk in the cool green forests will inspire your imagination and stir your senses. Not only this forest and nature tend to heal all the emotional instabilities of ones’ life. Come sit relax and meditate if you really want to feel the magic which is beyond mere expression through words.

A variety of flora and fauna can be seen and experienced in these wild forests, and also our government has made few popular areas as National Parks and Sanctuaries to preserve these rare species of birds and animals which are native to these forests.

Not only just forests, but our state has many rivers flowing in it, which enhances the natural beauty of these forests. The rivers flow through hills and mountains cutting across the forest resulting in creation of natures majestic massive natural waterfalls. These are sources of fresh water for the tribals and villages.

These forests also produce a wide variety of wild fruits which are most of the time seasonal in nature, which makes them taste absolutely out of the world. There are many more aspects of our beautiful state for example its richness in natural resources and mines, its massive steel plant, tribal culture, nature and its elements, you can find almost everything from primitive villages to technological advancements. We find it extremely hard to write everything about our state in one blog, so kindly stay connected for further stories.

Chhattisgarh is a treasure trove waiting to be explored. With its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and warm hospitality, the state offers an unforgettable experience for visitors.

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